Thursday, August 30, 2007

Have your cake and the icing too, lots of icing.

Today is my birthday and to celebrate I baked a chocolate cake. And since Audi does not like chocolate (I am having a DNA test run) I also baked vanilla cupcakes. I had to make vanilla icing for the cupcakes and left the extra on the counter in the mixing bowl. I planned to put it away, eventually. So I am in the living room cleaning up a mess and Audi comes in with a spatula full of icing. I assume it is what was left after scraping the bowl while mixing icing. I tell her to eat it in the kitchen and share with her sisters. Ten minutes later Audi returns with the spatula again and as I say "I thought I told you to eat that in the kitchen", I notice that the spatula is still full of icing. So I enter the kitchen, after taking the spatula away from Audi, and find Gabby and Juan standing on a chair at the counter and eating icing from the mixing bowl each with their own spoon. Now these kids had already had large pieces of cake, so the sugar buzz in this house will last for some time.
Audi, Gabby & Josie
The little darlings. Don't they look so innocent.
Juan enjoying his milk-free cake and icing.

Chino brought me roses for my birthday.

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