Saturday, July 19, 2008

First Day of School

The girls are back in school. Yeah! They are first graders this year and each have their own classroom. Josie and Audi's classrooms are next to each other and Josie and Gabby have gym and other occasions together. I think they will do okay. They complained before school started about "going to be separated", but they have not complained about it during the first two days of school. Josie seems to be in some kind of phase. She would not smile and I had to force her to be in the pictures.

Audi was happy to pose for pictures.

We are the first stop! So the bus comes very early.

We had a sleep over this weekend with Carly. The kids are playing dress-up.

Juan could not resist the fun. He has his cuddle bear in his purse and possibly a hot wheel.

This is Josie as a bride. Her and Gabby love to dress as brides. During summer school the kids were suppose to dress as what they wanted to be when they grew up. Josie and Gabby went as brides. Scary! I hope they have more ambition than that when they grow up.

This is Juan with his favorite book. Oso pardo! Oso pardo!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Independence/Birthday!

We have the nice size pool and I couldn't keep the girls out of the baby pool!
Audi, Gabby, Elvira, and Josie

Here Juan is practicing water torcher.

The girls couldn't wait for the cake to be cut and dove right in on their own.

Josie, Elvira, Gabby, and Audi

Elvira and Juan sharing a bowl of chips. CUTE.


On the 4th of July we had a BBQ in Elvira's honor. Her birthday was July 1st and she turned 2 years old. Since I was given NO notice I made NO side dishes. Luckily China was more prepared than I and brought rice, beans, and a bag of chips (does that count as a side?). We had lots of BEER and that seemed to be enough for the men. But let me tell you, in case you didn't already know, BEER AND FIREWORKS DON'T MIX! I saw this quite vividly for myself. The guys, who shall remain nameless, were putting the fireworks in the tubes upside down, on purpose, so they would explode on the ground instead of in the sky. This scared the hell out of me every time, sparks would fly damn close to me. They thought this was so funny that they repeated it over and over. After the show one of the guys threw up in the yard. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELVIRA!

Juan the Handy Man

These are pictures of Juan fixing the bathroom sink. A new faucet needed to be installed and Juan was the man for the job. The sink no longer leaks and we have a nice looking new faucet in the master bath. Now I need Juan to fix the drip in the shower. If only he were tall enough to reach!