Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Morning

Ahhh, the sound of ripping paper. Santa made his annual delivery and the kids were excited. They didn't get everything they wanted, they were fast to point out, but who can meet that kind of demand. We had our usual Christmas breakfast "candy". And then I started preparing dishes for coming guest while the kids fought over presents and Chino opened boxes and assembled toys. All and all it was a perfect morning.

Juan learned quick how to open his presents.

Audi is an old pro at opening hers.

Josie opens her presents neatly.

Gabby does it like a band-aid, quick and painless.

Gabby, Audi, and Josie

Juan got lots of trucks this year.

Juan playing with stocking stuffer's.

Gabby, Josie, and Audi emptying their stockings.

Juan enjoying a ride on his new zebra. A gift from Grammy & Pa Pa. He got his zebra on Saturday and he watched my dad assemble it using tools. So Sunday morning Juan got up and went straight to his zebra. He bounced for a minute or two then went to where he knows I hide my tool box from Chino. He reached in for a screw driver and took it to his zebra where he poked it a few times. Then he got back on the zebra for another ride. It is good to have someone "handy" around the house.

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