We went to Great Skate on Sunday and even Juan got in on the action. He skated great. Most of the time he was in the middle of the rink alone. He did better without a hand to hold.

He also enjoyed pretending to drive.

Gabby did great skating also.

Juan got a lot of attention from people amazed at his skating ability and cuteness.

Audi did not skate. And that is fine by me. She would pull my back out if she fell holding my hand.

We sang at church Sunday morning. Can you see the excitement on our little faces? I was totally embarrassed. We ended up leaving early because all the kids were complaining about one thing or another.

Juan and Gabby with George and Henry.

Juan with the birdie boys.
Let me know when you guys go skating again. We'll meet you there.
Saw the pictures from the birthday weekend. I'm impressed that Chino participated.
We went to Silver Dollar City for my birthday weekend. It was no big surprise that Todd backed out at the last minute.
What WAS a surprise is that he thought by doing that, it would be an opportune time for him to go behind my back and buy a motorcycle while Logan and I were away.
Let me know if Chino needs a roommate anytime soon. I can have Todd packed up within the hour.
Skating looks like so much fun:) And my goodness the kids are growing up so fast!
And HELLO Lisa - I'd have caused bodily injury to Jim;) I do hope your birthday was good though!!
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