We took a ferry to the island to spend the day. It was a beautiful day. We got lots of exercise, ate a terrible lunch, and saw spectacular sights. Best of all the kids were so tired that they fell right asleep at bed time.

It was a little chilly that morning so we sat inside the ferry boat for the trip to the island. We sat up top for the return trip and boy was it windy! Before leaving the hotel that morning Audi told me that she hoped there was a swimming pool on the boat. I had to explain to her that it was a 20 minute ride not a cruise ship. She was a little disappointed.
View of island from ferry boat.
Before touring the Fort Josie tethered her little brother for safe keeping.
Josie, Audi & Gabby The girls were not real impressed with the fort. They said "don't make us go into any more houses!".
Still at the fort.

This was a beautiful stop we made on a carriage ride on the island. Dad was almost kicked off the carriage for talking. Some people found it distracting from the quiet scenery.
Juan enjoying the carriage ride with Papi.
There are no motor vehicle allowed on the island. Everyone gets around by horse or bike.
This is a TAXI like I have never seen.
We stopped to feed the Frankie's. The girls named the sea gulls "Frankie". All of them.