We visited the Boschert Family Farm last weekend and boy did we have fun. We played in swimming pools full of dry corn. We fed farm animals. We swang on horse shaped tire swings. We bought pumpkins. We went on a hayride. We ate hot dogs. And we attempted a corn maze. There were two mazes. One was shaped like a cow and was suppose to take 15 minutes. The other was shaped like a train and expected to take 2 hours. We opted for the fifteen minute maze because we have four young children with short attention spans. We spent the fifteen minutes going in circles in the smaller maze then exited where we came in. It was a good thing we did not attempt the
large maze because we would probably still be there.

All the kids enjoyed the corn pools. They did have trouble building corn castles though.
There were cows, goats, and pigs to pet and feed. (There was no fee for feed. Wow!)
These swings were really cute and there were exactly three. This place was made for us!
Juan loved the hayride. He sat for the entire thing and never tried to jump off the wagon.
After a long hard day the kids were pulled by wagon to the truck. A good time was had by all.
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