Friday, February 22, 2008


This has been a long week. I started a new job on Monday. I think I will like working there. But Monday was President's Day and the kids were off school. So Chino stayed home with them. On Wednesday I had to request four hours off to take Audi to an appointment. (it had been scheduled before I got the job) I, of course, did not know it would take four hours. I thought maybe two. So I stayed late on Tuesday and went in early on Wednesday. Thursday I tried to get in early but we were hit with a blizzard. Chino had to stay home with the kids, again. Friday the weather was suppose to be worse than Thursday. So school was cancelled. I got up early and braced for the worst. It was nothing! I think we got passed over or something. Not that I am complaining. Chino had to stay home with the kids yet again. But I got my four hours made up, and Chino has had plenty of quality time with his children. The house however looks like a tornado came through. This is not a huge change. So all is right with the world.

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