Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day and SO much more!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Crazy Hair Day!
In the next few weeks we have more fun days to look forward to, like hat day, Cardinal day, Hawaiian shirt day, dress-up day and pajama day. They are even having a Field Day on the last day with a picnic and blow-up bouncy things and games. Summer School is great! Free daycare and lots of fun.
Our new "Play Center"
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Hola Uncle Fester!
Isn't this a sweet picture! Josie and Gabby
Gabby, Josie and Audi on their new play center.
Audi on the swing.
The kids start summer school in the morning tomorrow. I am so glad. Chino and his sister have been in charge of the girls for the last week. Since China is not working right now Chino has her babysitting whether she wants to or not. She at least will clean up the messes made by the girls. When Chino is in charge I come home to spills and disaster. I came home one day last week after Chino was "watching" the girls and found milk, water and soap spilled on the kitchen table and dripping onto the floor. Another day I found bubble soap spilled on the floor of the back room and Juan had locked himself in the bathroom. I was mopping up the mess and told Chino to get Juan out of the bathroom. He said he didn't know how and left for work. I finished mopping and unlocked the bathroom door with a screwdriver. Maybe I should of took the option of saying that I didn't know how and just left the kid in there. On another day poor Juan was wearing a five pound leaking diaper because he wouldn't let China change him. I did not realize that changing a diaper was optional.