Juan does enjoy climbing up and down the ladder. This makes me nervous.
Audi was a little scared at first, but now she is dunking her head and everything.
Gabby is doing well this year. She is going under water now which she did not do last year!
Josie is like a fish, or mermaid. She dunks, swims under water, jumps from the top of the ladder. You name it. She is the most at ease in the water.
This is Juan with his cousin Elvira. She is three months younger than him. It was so sweet, he was driving her around the yard on his ATV.
Here is Audi acting goofy.
China and Elvira, my dad Tom and Chino's dad Juan. (hence Juan Tomas)
Josie speeds around the yard like Speed Racer. She passed Gabby and I though they would hit. I told her to be more careful passing.
Gabby acting silly.
Here is Audi acting goofy.
China and Elvira, my dad Tom and Chino's dad Juan. (hence Juan Tomas)
Josie speeds around the yard like Speed Racer. She passed Gabby and I though they would hit. I told her to be more careful passing.
Gabby acting silly.
We had a BBQ at our house for Father's Day. It was GREAT. Lots of food, family and fun. The kids swam most of the day. Later China's husband got into the pool and played with the girls, they loved it. When the weather started to cool down we got out the ATVs. Everyone had fun racing around the yard or just watching. Josie is amazing to watch. She zooms around like she has been driving her entire life. (all six years of it) The babies got along well. Usually Juan does not want anything to do with his prima. She is just some girl who follows him around and touches his toys. My girls were in good moods and well behaved. I really enjoyed the day. I hope everyone else did as well.
Wow...I'm drooling over that pool!
We're back from Disney World and are worn out. It was a great time. But guess what I forgot to pack? The damn camera. And I've been packing for a month. Ended up plunking down $25 for two disposable cameras...the same ones they have at Walmart for less than $6 a piece.
C'mon! Post some 4th of July pics! I know you guys did something fun.
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