We were at the park on this mild December day. Juan was only nine months old. I kinda miss being able to just head for the park in the middle of the day. I remember I tried to take the kids to parks any time the weather was nice, because I never knew when the next nice day would be.
These pictures were taken March 2007. Juan was almost one year and the girls were in preschool. They have changed a lot since then. My babies are growing up!
Well, my computer is fixed. Sorta. My camera will not download new pictures for some reason. So I am posting some old pictures so Lisa will get off my back.
The girls are currently on cycle break. Lucky Chino has been caring for them. So the house is a mess and the kids are eating nothing but crap. But quality time is involved so it is okay.We are getting ready for Halloween. Juan is to be Scooby-Doo, Josie wants to be Hannah Montana, Gabby Miley Sirus and Audi a butterfly rainbow princess. (I hope we can find a costume for that) Do you remember when we created our costumes from things already around the house? It was easy to be a hobo or a baby. I remember few store bought costumes. My kids think I am crazy to even suggest such a thing. I am going to challenge them to come up with a self creation that involves few purchases. They will probably laugh me out of town. I have a few ideas but I am not sure they will go for them. We also get to dress-up for school this year, as long as it is a book character. I do believe Hannah Montana has a book or two.
I will try not to be away so long. Enjoy the historic pictures.
Well, whatever it takes, I guess. You'll have plenty to blog about once your kids unwrap those fart machines I give them.
Naw, just kidding.
I used to get store-bought costumes all the time, but they were the ones Mom would throw in the cart while getting groceries. They were usually made up of a cape in a vinyl-like substance and a plastic mask. I imagine they were highly flammable.
I have an idea on the camera...actually, two. First, try a different USB cable (if that's how you download). If not, it could be that the connections on your memory card are worn out. Secondly - and this would be my choice - convince Chino that HE really needs a new camera. You can bet you'll end up with a really fancy, expensive one if you go that route.
Naw, our pumkin's puny. I just have a big lens on the camera.
Friday at McDonaghue's sounds great.
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