Illness has been running wild in our house. Juan has a double ear infection and cough. Gabby and Audi are coughing up lungs. Josie is faking it to come home early, and I have had the stomach flu and a cough that sounds like I am dieing. (ask the people I work with, they have been chasing me with Lysol) I can't wait until we are all feeling better.
Here are a few cute pictures of Juan sleeping.

Juan has moved into my bed and made himself right at home.

Juan has finally agreed to wear his Halloween costume. He wants it daily now!

Per Gabby:
Juany sleeps like a lazy baby.

The girls have gotten into cheering lately. They attended a cheer clinic at the high school on Saturday and get to perform at a game on Monday night.

We like to go to kids night at Burger King and have pictures drawn on us by a talented artist. Plus we get 99 cent kids meals.
What is this kids' night you speak of? A 99 cent kids meal? Hooray! Are you guys going sometime soon? Let's meet up if you do.
Makes me wish there was a Burger King nearby, our closest is 30 miles away.
Hoping everyone stays healthy for a while!
Well, no Burger King for us tonight. I didn't even want to walk out in all this crap to get the mail.
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