While delivering Girl Scout cookies me and Audi went to our neighbor's house. They have a dog. Audi must have touched the dog and then her eye. The entire side of her face was
swollen, her eye almost
swollen shut. A little
Benedryl and a breathing treatment and she was good as new!

Juan likes to sleep on the floor among junk.

tac-toe three in a row. Josie, Audi and Gabby

I'm not sure if that little bed can hold the weight of four children. Juan never sleeps in it anyway.

This is Juan's tail. One morning I was busy in the kitchen making lunches for the girls to take to school. Juan came into the kitchen fully dressed. He had dressed himself but was having trouble pulling up his pants. His full morning diaper was
getting caught in the back and looked like a little tail. So being the kind hearted mother that I am I went for my camera and laughed at his tail. Then I changed his diaper.
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