Saturday, June 20, 2009

The World's Worst Mom

I am the stand alone title holder. I encourage any competition. PLEASE.

So on Thursday the kids had there make-up field trip to the Zoo, Monday it rained and was cancelled. It took Chino to point out that water should be sent with the children since it would be 105 degrees with the heat index. Strike one.

I had an eye doctor appointment scheduled for the girls later that afternoon and they had to be picked up right after returning to school from the field trip. So they missed the "Reptile Experience" at school that afternoon. Some guy named Steve brings in large snakes and crocodiles. My children were devastated. Called me at work crying like it was the end of the world. Strike two.

Then that night while the kids were at Vacation Bible School, I decided it was time to clean the bird cage. Birdie was on my shoulder and I stepped out the front door to beat the dropping off his drop pan and off he flew. Strange that I didn't see that one coming. Strike three. I'm OUT.

So Mr. Nibbles still has not come home. After the thunder storm last night I have to assume him dead. Although the girls are convinced that he is alive and well in the house of a friend of a classmate. I am told that there were numerous sightings of Mr. Nibbles by fellow classmates at summer school. And one girl, with a great track record of honesty, said that her friend has him in her house but will probably not give him back because she loves animals so much and already has a cage to put him in. I guess this is better for the girls to believe than their bird being dead.

If you can top me I would love to hear about it. I would be more than happy to pass the title on to another, a worse mom than I.


Lisa said...

NOOOOOOOOO! Please tell me this is a belated April Fools Day joke! I can't take it!!!!!

That being said, I've heard people say you should put his cage outside with the door open. I'd post flyers, too, including at the local veterinarians' offices.

Karen said...

you don't beat your kids, they have food and clothes and you send them to school, they get to participate in extracuricular activities you are there for WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? You are not the only parent for those children-you may be the only responsible parent, kick someones ass and tell him to step up to the plate! Don't guilt your self over something your children say to your or that will how they will always get their way with you. Everyone makes mistakes. Live and learn.

MOMMAS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karen said...

look I got all ampted up and mispelled words and left words out-sorry.