This is a rare picture of Josie. I had to ketch her off guard. She is playing with her Lil Pet Shop village. Her and Gabby share over 20 of these little pet figures.

Gabby was trying to hide from the camera. I am not sure why, she is not usually camera shy.

Not sure what is going on here. Josie was covering her face because I was taking a picture but why Juan is covering his is a mystery and the headbands are a greater mystery. Never question the mind of a three year old.

I can't wait to use this one for black mail.

Juan is always on the job. This morning her was arguing with Audi that he had a job and she did not. Already sexist, is it born in them or taught?

Pool time

Audi loves to pose.

Juan created a blockade.

Audi with her "care bear family".
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