The trio are still trying to figure out the "pecking" order.
But Sarin is feeling more and more at home.
Juan with Baby and Cuddy.
Mom's room is the best in the house.
Gabby using her head.
Our little bird Sarin has been in a cage for two years or more living with little old ladies. He came to live with us 6 or more months ago. But he would not come out of his cage. He became more talerent of my hand in his cage refilling food and water but would not come to me. Yesterday I needed to take George & Henry to have their wings trimmed. So I asked Chino to help me box up Sarin and take him along for a trimming also. He was timid but did not bite the bird store owner. With clipped wings he could not fly away. Me and Gabby starting handling him right after the clipping. He still tries to get away when I try to get him but once he is caught he sits on the finger and even whistles. He is now living in the big cage with the other two birds. One big happy birdie family. I do love my boys.