Saturday, April 18, 2009

The demands of children.

Me and Joy were doing our usual Friday night McDonald play date and although it is hard to believe, NOBODY THREW UP! I have contacted Guinness Book, we are a shoe in. But while there my girls had Carly writing notes to me requesting various items. Here are a few examples:

Josie: Dear Mom, I want a flat screen TV and a Wii. I love you.

Gabby: Dear Mom, I want a flat screen TV, $1000, and a hot tub. I love you.

Audi: Dear Mom, I want a giant ducky. I love you.

Josie's makes a little sense and one of the items will be checked off her list on their birthday.
My response to Gabby was "Ya, I want a hot tub too".
And Audi, "Where the hell do I find a giant duck?".

I did once dream about a giant duck or bird of some kind. Me and the kids and my mother were visiting a museum. There was a giant bird creature on display. It took a liking to our family and broke out of it's cage to follow us. It followed us right out the door and ran behind my SUV until it was able to ketch up and ride on the roof. I turned around to take it back to the museum. We planned to purchase it and take it home for a pet. Weird huh!? So if that dream comes true then Audi will have her giant ducky.


The Houser's said...

Carie - I was going to send the extra rabbits to you;) The kids need some more pets don't they??? lol

The Houser's said...

Perfect - Allergies:( If I keep killing them off we won't have as many anyway - lol.. Next chapter will include how we get 25 chickens to raise for 4-H also.. riveting eh!!

Karen said...

Clearly, carrying triplets cut off oxygen to your brain at some time or another! hahahaha I am soooo glad I am not the only one with WACKO dreams! (I think it is hormones and men that make us this way)