Saturday, March 29, 2008
How the family has changed!
Things have changed a lot since I started posting this blog. The girls are almost done with Kindergarten. Juan has his second birthday next week. I started a job outside the home. And Chino is spending more time with the kids.
Josie, Gabby, Audi, and Juan I can never get a good picture of all four kids together.
Audi is doing great. She is popular at school and very smart. She causes some trouble in the classroom and we are working on that. Audi is an artist and a whiz at the computer. She want to be like "Mom". She loves her baby dolls and tea party is her favorite thing.
Josie is still very boy crazy. She has liked the same boy since preschool. She is outgoing and makes friends easily. She is a good eater and is growing out of all her clothes. Josie loves High School Musical and Hannah Montana. She is always singing or listening to music.
Gabby is still wearing dresses. Only dresses. I can't believe she has been doing it for so long. She is still very athletic and brave when trying new things. She enjoys school and has brought home "green lights" every day. She behaves better at school than home!
Juan or J.T. has changed the most. He is finally starting to talk! It is so exciting to hear him say words. His vocabulary is really taking off. He tries new words he hears and wants to know what things are called. Juan is going through his naked stage. The kid won't keep his clothes on. I have been putting his diapers on backwards to keep vital parts covered. I am glad the weather is getting warmer. I don't want the kid to freeze.
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