Gabby has lost her first tooth! Her tooth was really wriggly for several days and was kinda gross. I could not look at it without my stomach turning. Gabby wanted me to pull it out. I could not do it. It finally fell out on it's own a few days later. Josie found it on the table and asked Gabby if it was her tooth, Gabby then realized that the tooth was gone from her mouth. She called me at work so excited. The tooth fairy was generous, four shiny quarters and a note telling her how clean her tooth was. But Papi made the tooth fairy look cheap when he slapped Gabby a twenty. She bought 2 Rescue pets.
Saturday is now clean-up day. I spend the day yelling at the girls to clean and they spend the day avoiding me. Josie did enjoy sweeping and did a pretty good job. I will take all the help I can get.
Audi choose to sit in time-out rather than help clean.
Juan slept through the cleaning.
Juan has been sleeping with his trucks. I have to go dig them out of his bed at night after he is sleeping. I don't want him to roll on them. He carries the trucks around the house and has to be dressed while holding them.
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