These are two of my favorite pictures of the girls. Can you tell who is who? It has been almost 6 years since Audi, Gabby & Josie were born. In many ways they are easier for me to handle, and in many ways they are harder for me to handle. I thought sleepless nights would never end, but they did. I thought potty training would not be possible, but it was. I thought they would always be babies, but they are not. The girls are in their last quarter of Kindergarten and will soon be First Graders! How did this happen? When did this happen? I wonder what will happen next? I try to enjoy each stage the girls go through because they only go through it once. I will probably think of their infancy as easy when they get to the teenage years.
I'm going to give it a try, but I'm probably wrong. Top photo, clockwise from left: Gabby, Josie, Audi. Bottom photo, from left: Audi, Gabby, Josie. That top photo really threw me; I even had my laptop upside down trying to look at them from all angles.
Oops, I meant Gabby, Audi, Josie on that top one.
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