Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another fun filled weekend.

We had an interesting weekend as usual. We went to the craft store and I was very generous and let the girls each get a foam easy to assemble little house, such as the gingerbread house below. The instructions said "follow the pictures". There were three pictures. The first assembled, the second decorated and the third with glitter added. So you can understand what a big help the instructions were. So me and the girls and Carly (did I mention that Carly spent the night?) assembled these houses the best we could. The gingerbread house was the only one that did not crumble when picked up to be move. It is now, of course, in several pieces that will eventually make their way to the trash. What a waste of money. I should have hired an architech to do the assembly because my accounting background did not help at all.

See how the front room falls forward. I could not figure out how to put the little roof on to save my life!

The kids always want to play outside, no matter what the temperature. They were running around with brooms, sticks, and rakes yelling "CHARGE". They would run accross the yard stop and then run back. I didn't understant the game but it sure tired out the kids. Especially since they were up until 1:00 a.m. then I kinda woke them by 7:30 a.m. It was an accident, I couldn't sleep so I got up to play on the computer.

Juan lost his bed to his sister Audi. He had been sleeping on the couch and the girls fight and talk and play and fight in their room, so I put Audi in Juan's room so she could get some sleep. Maybe she will stop sleeping at school!

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