Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Believe it or not I got my Saturday. I thought option (A) was going to occur, but I got my day in spite of Chino's aggravation toward me. He took the kids for a hair cut and later to the mall. I did have to clean up the kitchen after he made the children breakfast. The girls gave me breakfast in bed. Cold eggs and toast, it was delicious. And then I had to watch the kids for about 2 hours while Chino mowed and trimmed the lawn. Other than that I was in bed watching TV and knitting. The house was not too much of a disaster.

Today, the real Mother's Day, I have mopped the kitchen floor, done two loads of laundry, cleaned 2 bathrooms and picked up wrappers and toys. I did get the girls to pick up their room. Oh, and I had to assemble some kinda tractor with trailer for Juan. My thumbs still hurt. But it is 11:30 a.m. now and I hope for some more peace. Just as soon as I finish changing my sheets. Two kids slept with me last night and one had an unexpected accident.

Happy Mother's Day to me and to the rest of you mothers out there!

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